Bolaño, Pollock and Poetry

I have had a few very productive days and I am quite happy with the two latest poems I have written. I am always fascinated by how my imagination works. I often read something that touches me which becomes a trigger for words. It happened with two articles that I have read just a few days ago. The former focusses on a dream Roberto Bolaño had at the time he was imprisoned in 1973. A curious dream. In my poem the dream turns into an object. A real object belonging to Bolaño that lead me on an unexpected journey. The latter deals with a disputed work by Jackson Pollock. The poem I wrote is a love ride that reminds me of one of J.G. Ballard's novels. 

I love it when poetry rules!

Ruth Kligman & Jackson Pollock
Roberto Bolaño in Chile (circa 1970)


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