
Showing posts from February, 2013

Gregory Corso, Der Freischütz and Trastevere. On writing a poem.

Reading about Gregory Corso 's stay in Rome a yesterday put me on a disposition for writing a poem having him as the lead character. I found the suitable backdrop in Trastevere  by night and also found a perfect soundtrack in  Weber 's opera  Der Freischütz (The Marksman). I wrote two stanzas in one go just a few minutes ago. I love whenever it happens. The Muse speaks to me and I go with the flow!

Lunch with the Brigade

Had lunch with the most poetical engaged Brigade you can think of! Rome's Revolutionary Poets Brigadistas Marco, Olga, Ludovica, Edoardo and myself met and discussed the new Anthology project. The anthology has a theme--specifically work--and we have now collected the poems which will be included in the book. Discussed topics were: who will write the introduction (we have a couple of worthy names in mind) and publishers to get in touch with. As always, it seems we always have a great, positive approach. Love that! Love working with such an amazing and enthusiastic group of poets!