Best of the Net Nomination!

I was happy to receive an e-mail from NonBinary Review ' s Editors, Lise Quintana and Allie Marini , this week, informing me that my poem "Bound to Her Father's Spear Hurled Over the River's Current" was nominated for the Best of the Net Award! The poem appeared in Bullfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable 's issue published last Spring and it was inspired by the myth of Camilla, a woman warrior I am very fond of. I still own the book where I first read about her aged 8 or 9. You may admire this issue's amazing cover by MANDEM here below. And, you can get a free copy of the issue by downloading the Lithomobilus app for i-Phone or i-Pad. This is my second Best of the Net nomination. I was nominated by Cease, Cows two years ago for my poem " Baltic Dream with Dostoevsky ." I am very pleased to be nominated again. For a Pushcart nomination there is still hope, I guess! ;)