New Anthology of American Poetry
So, it's real. After two years of hard work the Nuova Antologia di Poesia Americana (New Anthology of American Poetry) has been released by Edizioni Ensemble. The idea came to me as I was researching information for the biography of the Poet , as I often enjoy to call him. This bio has been an extraordinary experience that has allowed me to get in touch with poets who have met Jack from the late Fifties till today. Getting to know them has also meant getting to know their amazing poetry and I am so grateful to all for having allowed me to translate some of their beautiful poems. Let me introduce you to the poets and poems included in the Anthology. Clicking on each poet's name you will be able to learn more about their life and their poetry: John Brandi - A Rose for Lorca - Architecture of An Instsnt - Time Is Short John Brandi Alvaro Cardona-Hine - Amnesty - Years of Love - The Enthusiasm of Illusion Alvaro Cardona-Hine Terri Carr...