My Anthologies

Nuova Antologia di Poesia Americana, New Anthology of American Literature, (Edizioni Ensemble, 2015) edited/translated by Alessandra Bava

With poems by John Brandi, Alvaro Cardona-Hine, Terri Carrion, Neeli Cherkovski,Thomas Rain Crowe, Sharon Doubiago, Michael C. Ford, Renée Gregorio, Stephen Kessler, Jim Krusoe, Alejandro Murguia, Kaye McDonough, Sarah Menefee, Michael Rothenberg, Bill Pearlman, Anne Valley-Fox.


- Nazione Indiana (in Italian)


Marco Cinque (Le Monde Diplomatique)

I poeti di questa antologia danno voce a una verità americana non stereotipata o asservita. Una verità che proprio perché scomoda viene volutamente quanto ingiustamente ignorata.


Articolo 1: Una Repubblica AFfondata sul lavoro, introduction by Agneta Falk, Albeggi Edizioni, 2014


Rome's Revolutionary Poets Brigade (Vol. 1), introduction by Jack Hirschman, Edizioni Ensemble 2012 (edited and translated into English by Alessandra Bava)


Le Monde Diplomatique (in Italian)


Jack Hirschman (SF Poet Laureate/from the Introduction)

Of the many Brigades currently in motion, it is the Rome Brigade that for the past year and a half has been stirring the caldron of the revolutionary poetry and coming up with some incendiary brews.


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