Published Poems in 2011

I have been writing poetry since I was a teenager. One day I discovered Arthur Rimbaud and Dylan Thomas and I was hooked. The bad lad with the soles of wind has haunted me for a long time and still does. So does the Welsh Bard. But, over the years, many other poets have become part of my literary Pantheon. From all of them I have learnt a lot. To all of them I owe something. 

It took me way too long to decide to market my poems. The main reason being that I dare write them in English which is not my mother tongue. Here below you may find a list of published poems since end of February 2011. I am indeed thankful for all journals that have accepted my work and I am very grateful to all the editors who have been willing to spend their time providing me with precious feedback. 

But, I am also thankful to all journals who have rejected my work too. I have really learnt a lot from my rejections. Beloit Poetry Journal rejected one of my poems in a way that made me rejoice as if it had been accepted: "We shall not be using your manuscript. Thank you, however, for giving us the opportunity to consider it. Thanks also especially for the Akhmatova poem. The image that leads to "Requiem" is among the most powerful in all of twentieth-century poetry." 

So here is my 2011 in figures, names and links. Am so looking forward to 2012!

Published Poetry in Magazines

Zouch Magazine & Miscellany

Instructions for Folding (continued)

Poetry Quarterly  
Self-Portraits (to Francesca Woodman)


Cliterature Journal

The Anemone Sidecar

Counterexample Poetics
Cruel Narcissus
Pandora’s Box
A Dream

The Turnstiles Review

Crack the Spine
Like Venus Recumbent
Kareninas & Bovarys


Published Poetry in Anthologies

Sons of Disobedience in Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology

Sete in Acqua privata? No grazie. (ed. Marco  Cinque), 2011

P.S. Oh, I forgot. I also had 3 erotic poems accepted as Sasha Marvell. :)


  1. Quite a good record. A glass of prosecco raised to you. Even more success in the coming year of the Dragon. I was infused withe Thomas' rhythms but it did not create poetry in me.

  2. Thank you so much, Kate! Prosit to us in 2012!


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