The Lovely Rejection

I am very grateful to Cooper Renner, poetry editor of elimae for having sent me a lovely rejection mail just a few days ago. He took the pain of writing back that the poems I had sent his way weren't right for the magazine, but that they were accomplished work and that he suggested I should send them to the editor of their sister magazine with his best wishes. I promptly did so and well, one of the three has been accepted to be published. I am still a novice, but I am learning a lot about the publishing world out there!  


  1. Ciao Alessandra! I read your poem on "Elimae" and was blown away by it's directness and simplicity, yet the poem delivered such an emotional punch. Well done. Poetry was my first love, then art, but life got in the way and I'm now trying to reclaim what I so carelessly let go. Plath and Sexton are two of my favorite poets too.

    I'm hoping to have something published on Elimae, but now I don't know. I'm not a very confident writer and after reading your poem I'm afraid that anything I will submit will not measure up.

    I just recently started submitting my work. I have an undergraduate degree in writing, but it feels like a lifetime ago. Whatever I've learned, I've learned on my own, toiling away in secret. Anyway I chose Elimae because I've heard they respond very quickly to submissions.
    At my age I don't have six months or more to wait for a rejection!

    Un po di me: Sono nata in Italia. A dieci anni mi sono trovata qui ma purtroppo la mia vita si e sbocciato come non non ho mai lasciato il mio piccolo paese, "despite my best efforts." Anyway so glad I found your site and look forward to reading more of your poetry. Wish me luck with Elimae!


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